Aydogan奧茲坎:傳染病奪去了很多人的生命。這就是為什麼我們需要一個能夠更好地監控,診斷和緩解這些疾病的技術,尤其是在發展中國家。我的名字是Aydogan奧茲坎。我是一名工程師, 同時也是一名國家地理新興探索家。

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* 使用XP者, 請在 2014/04/08前 完成升級為Win-XP SP3及更新補丁

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1. Peter was pale with fear as though he had seen a ghost.

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We need to get beyond the idea of materialism as the null hypothesis.

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* MP3上傳至 Google 協作平台 ==>

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griffith52 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[1.Harry is always full of enthusiasm; he is a lot of fun to be around.
(1)為什麼不是has a lot of fun?這裡的fun不是名詞嗎(因為a lot of)?]

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" 人型模特兒的期待 "
The expectation of a dummy.

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