祖父母: grandparents
麵粉: flour
蝌蚪: tadpole
蛙: frog
皮膚: skin
攀爬: climb
季節: season
飼養: keep
為養: keep
一次: once
兩次: twice
瓶子: bottle
水餃: dumpling
果汁機: fruit bender
想要: want
昂貴的: expensive
擔心: worry
餐廳: restaurant
第二: second
月: month
有名的: famous
參加: attend
Hold on: 等一下
what`s up: 什麼事
Count from one to ten: 從一數到十
Call back:打(電話)回來
Brush one`s teeth:刷...的牙
Come on:來吧
get home:到家
guinea pig:豚鼠
what date:哪一天
take care of :照顧
fried rice :炒飯
heavy rain:傾盆大與
You can say that again:我完全同意
last night:昨晚
early spring:初春
by the way:順帶一提
milk shake:奶昔
take a bath:洗澡
pocket money:零用錢
go out:出去
fish soup:魚湯
希望有幫到您〜*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*