有時候只是想找個人說說話 Once in a while, I just want to find a body to talk to.有時候只是想有個人能在我身邊陪著我 Other times, I just want to have someone with me.手機上寫著很多人的號碼但卻不知道應該打給誰 Many numbers on my phone book do I have but who should I call first?有時候覺得朋友也不能真正地給我帶來快樂 What friends do I have and what happiness can they bring about?有時候真的覺得兩個人比一個人更寂寞 Many times, together, two were more lonely than being one alone.有時候真的覺得這個世界上沒有人會在意我 Should it be my destiny that, for me, none cares?也許你也和我一樣沒有人能走進你的心 Must it be that none is capable of sneaking into your heart as well a mine.Boohoo! They don't call me the princess of poet for nothing. |
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