1. Wendy and Jinn are my in Couchsurfing website first receive surfers. (Wendy和Jinn是我在沙發衝浪網站第一次接待的沙發客。)
這裡不可以把 in Couchsurfing website 插入到 my 和 first 中間.
參考翻譯→Wendy and Jinn are the first surfers that I've received on Couchsurfing websites. (如果是特定 website, 就改成 on the Couchsurfing website)
2. They very warm very friendly,I'm very glad can know them, from them,study is to a lot of invisible treasures.(她們很熱情很友善,我很高興能夠認識她們,從她們身上學到很多無形的寶藏。)
首先, 兩個句子如果沒有連接詞, 就分開兩句寫, 不要用逗號分隔兩個完整的句子.
其次, I'm very glad can know them 這樣不對的. 你可以改成
I'm very glad that I can know them. 或是 I am very glad to able to know them. 或是 I'm very glad to know them.
第三, 無形的寶藏是 immaterial(無形體的) treasure, 不是invisible(看不見的) treasure. 還有寶藏無法學習, 只能得到(get, find, obtain, or be rewarded). "study is to a lot of invisible treasures" 這句文法很有問題, 建議你不要用照字面翻譯的方法來寫英文文章. 這句可以很用簡單的英文 I learned a lot from them. (從他們身上學到很多.)就好了 . 無形的寶藏這種高難度的英文, 你可以多看一些文章之後有基本能力再來想要怎麼表達比較好.
參考翻譯→They're very warm and friendly. I'm so glad to get to know them. I also learned a lot from them.
3. World does not have banquet that does not broken up,though have a lot of unbearable,however we will return the world to self. (天下沒有不散的宴席,雖然有很多不捨,但是我們都要回到自己的世界。)
這裡有同樣的照字面翻譯的問題, 記住這種方式用多了, 就算你之後寫出來的句子文法全對, 也有很大的可能會變成Chinglish(中式英文). 天下無不散的宴席是一句中文的俗話或是諺語, 幾乎不可能那麼巧英文剛好有一個照字面翻過去一模一樣的諺語. 你可以上網去搜尋一下其他人怎麼用英文表達這個諺語. All good things must come to an end. 是一個好的選擇.
參考翻譯→However, all good things must come to an end. No matter how unwilling we are, we must return to our own world.
4. I am very glad may experience these, I was moved very much to know two young and beautiful little girls, virtually I again many two very better foreign friends, I really too lucky, wish your fond dream to come true. (我很高興我可以體驗到這些,我很感動認識了兩位年輕又美麗的小女孩,無形中我又多了兩位很要好的外國朋友,我真的太幸運了,祝妳們美夢成真。)
參考翻譯→ I am happy to have experienced all this. The two girls that I met have become my very good foreign friends. How lucky I am! I wish that your dream may come true.
- Jan 10 Fri 2014 23:47