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griffith52 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When I was in high school, still growing up. I was not really good in my studies. I failed twice then I realise that I know nothing, then I started to worrk very hard, so that I can make good grades.

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英文翻譯 ~ 急 !!! 20 點 !
英文達人幫忙囉 !!!

griffith52 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

有,如果是举例子的那句话 翻:Hence people tasted the intense heat strict cold bitterness first.Wanting thing in the Chi valley has to plow 意思就成为了

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1.英漢/漢英 線上電子字典

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Thank you for your bringing me memories .

griffith52 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大致是:「我希望你這幾天玩得開心。我很開心能認識你。請幫我給你的貓仔們一個擁抱,同時,也希望我們能再相會。保重!」(翻成英文比較不繞口:"I hope you had a good time for the past few days. As for me, I'm really glad meeting you. Please give your cats a hug on my behalf. I hoep we'll meet again in the future. Take care! Kisses.)

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本份證明文件僅限申辦美國簽證,並僅限 某某某小姐 本人使用

griffith52 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Mr./Mrs. Paul you are good! I am Zhan Yizhen, I was born in September 13, 1996, I lived in the Taoyuan County big garden township, my family had six people, my daddy was a mold skilled worker, my mother is a housewife, I had two younger sisters to read in the big garden country, a younger brother read the preschool, our family's pistachio nut was my younger brother, he smallest most liked acting like a spoiled brat, made trouble frequently, lets the human be mad also was funny, I and he differed 12 years old, all might work as he little mother! Although our family is not big, but can take to me actually to be warm and to be joyful! My interest is plays a ball game also has sings, listens to the song, I always wear the earphone, no matter when, besides goes to school and sleeps, I deeply love music, listens to music to be possible to cause my mood to be happy, I most love the philharmonic orchestra is the soda is green, I can listen to their song frequently, pays attention to them to have the new thingses special edition, their song very is special, initiates Qingfeng's sound is unique, the wonderful music, will take to everybody joyfully!
Mr./Mrs. Parl, thanks your guidance!

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